
8:27 AM

MT9: The people who make it easier (and more enjoyable) 

(n.) finding something good without looking for it

Well, it might be the perfect word for a journey I chose to embark on, about 9 months ago. While it is quite common for people to find jobs completely unrelated to what they have studied in college, I didn't expect that I would also fall into this fate. I had always thought that I would work at FMCG companies and had always dreamed to work at a consulting company, and yet my first job is at a financial services company called TAF as a . . . it's a surprise until later on. ;)  

Since my departure from the US was very sudden, I didn't start applying for jobs in Indo until I arrived. Unfortunately (or fortunately), most companies  I aimed to get in had no openings anymore. While waiting for follow ups from some companies, my dad handed me a newspaper, specifically a career page and told me to apply to more places; one of which appeared to be TAF. I honestly applied because they offer Management Trainee program, that interests me due to their "open to all majors" and "fresh graduates are welcome" requirements. I did some research about the company, found out what financial service / leasing was all about, and submitted my application. At that point, I didn't really expect much. I guess because I was waiting for a final decision in another company too. 

Went for the psychotests and interview. Got called about a week later to do another interview, which came as a surprise since I chose not to be placed at any places around Indonesia. Turned out I was interviewed (my guess) for another position. And I ended up being in the Management Trainee program, but for a completely surprising position at the end of the program. 

Let me talk about the program real quick (or not), it was one of the most challenging things I have done. We were trained in class for a week / two, and we went to a branch to study the module and came up with a project to improve the situation based on our observations. As if quarter system was not quick enough, two weeks to understand and deliver a project was an experience. It pushed you to think efficiently and effectively and really challenged your perseverance. 

I don't know exactly when people started to really surprise and amaze me regularly (I guess it started in college), it made me feel very little and undeserving. People around me are all smart, good at presentations, and just really know what they are doing. I was very very very lucky to be put in such a great group of people (MT9) and mentored by amazing buddy and mentor. Whilst it was very exhausting physically and mentally, it was very fun to do BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE. 

The very first thing that stroke me about this company was the people; really. As I had done several interviews in other companies, interviewing with them was the most enjoyable one. And it proved to be a great working environment for a freshies like me. The people are mostly (if not all) friendly and humble. They are open for sharing, although I don't know how other companies are like; judging from some of my friends' experiences, I felt very grateful for what I have. Ok, the only thing I dislike (up to now at least) about my job is how far the office is from home → need to go extra early and go home late to avoid traffic. But who am I to complain, while my coworkers commute from farther places outskirts of Jakarta. 

I wouldn't want to trade this experience (but won't do it for the second time either hehe). The most surprising part was the work I am doing now, who would've thought that I would be a digital product dev. {bye bye chem-e - aigoo my chem-e is very rusty right now it would be impossible for me to solve a thermo problem}. I am (mostly) working on this mobile app, called Toyota FLEX. If you are reading my post for whatever reasons, download it!! and let me know how you like it. It wasn't entirely my doing of course. When I joined into the department, they were almost published it. For its kind, I think it's the best app. (bias / not you decide). 

I guess it's true that God answers you when you least expect it. Working in Digital Business Development is like experiencing start up in an established company. I never expect I will work in this area but I am really enjoying it. Moreover, I love the team I am working with.

Wow, this ends up being a long post after the break. I should be doing my final presentation but since it's Lebaran Holiday, I am taking my time :p I'll do it sometime this week though it's important. 

Lastly, here is a video of MT9 doing the flash mob. (I will surely miss them, they have graduated and positioned all across Indonesia) 

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